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What d FAQ? COVID-19 and You: Travelling

Are there any restrictions on public transport?

Are there any restrictions on public transport?

Are airports and seaports open?


Q: Are there any restrictions on public transport?


A: At the moment, all restrictions on the capacity of maxis or taxis have been removed. You no longer have to wear a mask whilst travelling and you can read more about the new mask law here.


Remember that owners or operators of private vehicles may insist that masks are worn whilst travelling and they are entitled to do so. 


Q: Are airports and seaports open?


A: All airports and seaports (which include any place where aircrafts or ships can land or dock) are open. There may be certain restrictions as to the use of these services (such as vaccination or testing requirements for international travel) which may apply but these are dependent on both the carrier and the destination of travel (for international travel).


Last updated: 14 April 2023.

Are airport and seaports open?
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